October 11, 2022

Joined: Sep 12, 2021

Posts: 3

Kudos: 8

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V36

190 points improvement (520 to 710) ! Thanks to e-GMAT.


Improvement 190 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

My background and my score before purchasing e-GMAT course-
I am non-native English speaker and I did my primary and secondary education in my mother tongue – Marathi. So, I was not much accurate with English grammar, lengthy sentences and big passages. I come from engineering background. Before starting my GMAT preparation, I took a mock to see what my starting score is. I searched on Google for a mock test. Coincidently, I gave e-GMAT sigma-X mock. My score was 520 (Q44 V19). So, there was long way to my target score of 700+. By the way, e-GMAT gives excellent analysis of all sigma-X test result.

Why I chose e-GMAT-
As verbal was my weak area, I was looking for course that shows its effectiveness on verbal. When I analyzed all courses available on Gmatclub, e-GMAT was one that captured my attention the most. After going through free trial, I found the course worth to put my efforts into.

My experience with e-GMAT-
Master comprehension module - At start of verbal section, there is master comprehension module. It taught me some techniques that helped me understand and recollect maximum information from I read. In my view, e-GMAT verbal course is great for non-native speakers.
SC module- 3 step process that SC course suggests is excellent way to solve the SC question. Sentence structure breakdown, meaning-based approach, and asking probe question were the keys to my improvement in SC.
CR and RC module- By following e-GMAT Pre-thinking approach for CR, You understand the argument so thoroughly that choice elimination becomes a lot easier. RC became my very strong area after following the e-GMAT process of getting immersed in the passage.
Cementing process- cementing process of e-GMAT basically made me so much familiar with concept and process of solving both quant and verbal questions that I did not forget what I studied as time passed. Queries that I posted on forum were answered very logically. I was really impressed with analysis that e-GMAT SMEs provided.
Finally, strategy experts did excellent analysis of my mock tests and gave me action plan to improve my weak areas. All plans given were impressive and because of those plans I started scoring 700 on the sigma-X mocks. These plans filled the gaps in my concepts and solving process. After this, I went through official guides, Official advanced question bank and gmatclub quizzes. On the official prep mocks as well, I started scoring 680 to 730. Finally, on test day(6th October 2022) I scored 710 (Q50 V36).

My suggestions to someone who is purchasing the course-
I think it’s the best course. So, you can start your preparation with high energy after this choice. 6 process skills that taught in quant might seem too much in the beginning, but if you follow them, they really contribute to your accuracy. I suggest following process steps very carefully. Initially they might seem time consuming, but after some practice they turn out to be time savers. I suggest taking help of SMEs and strategy experts whenever you are stuck. If you are already very good at quant, then, in my view, you don't need to go through all lessons and quizzes.

All the best for your preparations!

October 13, 2022

Hi Jadhavsameer41,

Congratulations on the massive 190 point improvement!! Improvement on this scale is rare, and the fact that you were able to achieve such a vast improvement while being a non-native speaker with a history of Marathi-medium education is truly astounding.

What I find truly wonderful is how you zeroed in almost immediately on the skills that you would need to improve from a V19- that comprehension and reading were the cornerstones you needed to establish. You put in the work to master this core skill and the fruits of this labour can be seen in how well you performed on the course modules as well.

Look at this snapshot to see Jadhavsameer’s incredible course stats -

Image Link -

Once you set these foundations in place, you moved to gain mastery through the cementing process, taking curated quizzes and ensuring that you were clear and thorough with all the concepts and processes. Where there were gaps, you used Scholaranium to fill them in and imrpove more.

Look at this image to see how Jadhavsameer improved their SC ability through cementing-

Image Link -

I also love how you used every asset we have to offer to the maximum extent, such as SME support over forums and mentor support over mails.

Spending the time to build foundations, achieve mastery and become test ready really paid off with a 710 on test day. I am sure that with your grit and tenacity, whatever you decide to pursue next will undoubtedly be a success!

It was a pleasure working with you Sameer and I wish you all the very best for your future endeavours.



October 18, 2022

Congratulations @Jadhavsameer41

Tremendous effort!

All the best for the next steps!

October 19, 2022

Hi @Jadhavsameer41
Congratulations on your score, in how much time were you able to move from 520-710.
Also,did u achieve this feat alongside work?

October 20, 2022

Hi Ver23,
I started studying for Gmat around august 2021. My first GMAT attempt was in july 2022(score 620) and 2nd attemp was in oct. 2022(710). In total I studied for around a Year and 2 months while working full time. On workdays i studied for around 2 hours, usually in the morning, and on weekends i studied for 5+ hours. I think the key is that I studied consistently during the period of 14 months. Along with consistent timetable, i think, studying using organized and proven course/material is important.

thanks. best luck.

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