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An MBA at Wharton is exactly that: an investment for life.
The overall cost is somehow eye-popping, and the idea of budgeting $220k+ to go back to school can be daunting. However, what comes with the MBA is definitely worth the price.
First, the experience itself. The MBA student body is huge, and it fosters diversity and collaboration. The grade non-disclosure agreement helps to keep the level of competition healthy, and the overall environment is relaxed and far from cutthroat. The most notable area for improvement at Wharton, though, is that Student Life and the student body create an experience a little too tailored for American students, and, at first, this can be a bit alienating and overwhelming for internationals. That said, my experience as an international student has exceeded my expectations.
On the academic side, Wharton has it all. A world-class faculty, and a program that is rigorous but flexible at the same time. The number of electives and the opportunity of taking classes at other UPenn grad schools allow anyone to build their ideal path. You won't find two MBAs who have taken the same classes.
Regarding career perspectives, the brand and the prestige that Wharton enjoys open doors that would hardly be accessible. The 98,000+ Alumni community is worldwide, active, and supportive much more than you'd expect. At the same time, the Career Service offers a broad range of services well beyond the "mere" contacts with top firms, and it makes life so much easier.
It is ok not to have a well-defined career path when you arrive here. There are so many opportunities, and you will have such a diverse exposure to fields and industries that you had never considered, that adjusting during the journey is totally fine. No panic just enjoy it, and everything will eventually work out great.
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Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)
Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Career opportunities provided by school
Investment Banking
Culture & Student Support