July 02, 2016

Joined: Apr 27, 2013

Posts: 1

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Self-reported Score:
710 Q51 V34

Verbal e-GMAT Scholaranium


Verbal e-Gmat Scholaranium is awesome course to prepare with confidence and key to score high in the GMAT.
The key features of the course are:
i)There is segmentation in the sections-RC/SC/CR
ii) Each section has Qs divided into diffculty levels-Easy/Medium/Hard
iii) The Qs pool is holistic covering all topics & concept
iv)One can take full length tests or customize the test according to the needs in the dashboard.
v) The Quizzes are saved and one can refer upon requirement in Attempts.
vi) There is Q&A platform with each Q to resolve the doubts.
vii) One can also put notes with each Q & can track upon need
viii)Also one can bookmark the Qs for revision
viii) The most important feature is one can track the progress and can look in which are is strong and which requires more focus in skill data.

Thus very fruitful course & kudos & thumps up to e-GMAT team for developing such a course.

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