May 21, 2016

Joined: Jan 15, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V38

Verbal Scholaranium - Just too Good!


Dear e-GMAT Team

I can't thank you guys enough for the amazing tool that you have created. After a failed attempt at GMAT (V24), I took up the Verbal Live Prep with e-GMAT. And I can tell you, it was the best decision that I took in my GMAT journey.

The questions in the e-gmat scholaranium are very representative of the actual questions on the GMAT. The questions that I answered during the practice tests seemed very GMAT like and every question covered so many different concepts that are actually asked on the GMAT. The tool helped me to assess my TAKT time (which I must concur with Rajat that it is a very important data point to know when you are preparing for the GMAT) and use the same to my advantage on the actual GMAT. Strategy session 2 also helped me to understand the mistake that I probably had made the first time when I was short on time and tried to answer all the questions without understanding my TAKT time and not having a strategy during the exam. Total productive time and time spent on incorrect questions also helped me clear a lot of things in my head and lay a clear strategy.

Immediately, I was able to focus on the areas that needed attention with the help of the tool. I could also practice additional questions on specific topics with varying difficulty levels. The tool helped me refine my preparation by highlighting weaker areas.

With the help of the amazing study material and the scholaranium tool, I scored a V38 in quick time (less than 1 and half month). Thank you e-GMAT team for all the efforts that you guys put in.

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