March 01, 2016

Joined: Sep 05, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q47 V37

From verbal 19 to verbal 37


When I started my preparation for GMAT I was surprised by the number of rules mentioned in different verbal books. To me the probability to remember so many rules and to apply them correctly during exam seemed really low. I still tried to learn as many rules as I could and practice. While taking mocks I observed that my verbal score fluctuated and there was no definite reason why! I remembered the rules but I was failing to skillfully apply them while answering. When I took my first test, I was hugely disappointed to see a 19 as my verbal score. I had done miserably in sentence correction. I tried to analyse myself and I understood that I was lacking the skill to apply the rules practically.I had attended few e-GMAT free webinars which I really enjoyed. The webinars were very efficient and thus after doing a little online research I decided to buy the e-GMAT verbal online pack. That was one of the smartest decision I made.
As I had already gone through a lot of study materials and rule books before, I didn't have to stress much on learning from scratch. The videos on different topics were really helpful. The examples stays in mind and the small quiz after the end of each topic helps in getting a practical approach to the learning. I allocated proper timings to each topic depending on the difficulty level and religiously followed it. At the same time I didn't rush myself, in case some topics required a little more effort than I anticipated, I would give myself that time. I tried to obtain a complete grasp of each topic and learn it's application before moving on to the next topic. Once I was done with all the video files I started using the scholaranium. Scholaranium played an important role in boosting my verbal score. The practice questions are at par with the official GMAT standard. Also it gives enough options to customize how we approach- we can take up questions from a particular category( i.e SC, CR or RC) or mix all three. I started taking small tests everyday and after each test I would analyse questions and note down all the errors I made along with example. Every week I would go through these error logs I made and slowly I observed that my mistakes reduced and I was able to spot the error as soon as I read the question. My approach towards attempting SC question changed and I could most of the time spot the problem upon reading the question itself. I solved every question from scholaranium. Within a few weeks of starting e-GMAT verbal online I noticed the difference in my score. My verbal score stabilized and I was more confident. My weakness was SC and hence I put in more effort in SC than on RC and CR, but the practice questions in the verbal scholaranium helped improve all the sections. The day before exam I felt really confident unlike my first attempt.
I would really thank e-GMAT for helping me achieve V-37, and I would recommend everyone struggling in verbal section to go for it. This platform is a huge learning tool and would surely help boosting your score.

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