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I wanted the best MBA program I could get into in terms of brand and recognition while allowing me to keep my FT job. The opportunity cost of going to a FT MBA program was much too high. My opinion is while each program offers strengths, generally speaking Accounting doesn't change much from top school to top school. I don't think Wharton and Harvard are teaching any super top secret accounting concepts that UNC or Cal aren't. That said, I was leery to start with an online MBA, but after seeing the curriculum, the quality of professors and learning nothing was "watered down" from the FT program, I quickly jumped at the opportunity when I was accepted.
And no joke, the material was tough, it was rigorous and everyone of my classmates were super smart and professionally accomplished.
On top of that, the immersions were a BIG part of my experience at UNC. I highly suggest all students to attend as many as you can afford to attend. They are truly global immersions which balance good, useful, classwork in another country and allows you to network and socialize with your classmates. That's why I truly believe this isn't an online program, it's a hybrid, bringing the best of both worlds together.
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Investment Banking
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