Forum Home > GMAT > Quantitative > Problem Solving (PS)
Perspective: Previously worked in operations transitioning into consulting. Graduated this year.
Goals: Tuck exceeded my expectations enabling me to reach my goals. Consulting recruits heavily on campus, and the bidding system allows people to interview despite not being on a company's "close list". I, myself, was admitted through this process and am grateful for Tuck's bidding policy
Suggestions: Do not feel restricted to have only one summer internship. Work with your employers to work for multiple companies during the summer. On campus, there are so many events always going on, think about what is most important to you and focus on that.
Amazing alumni and faculty engagement. I felt like I built relationships with all my professors
Estimates: Mckinsey, Bain, and BCG have approximately 200 interview spots combined. For a class of 280, this is remarkable.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)
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