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Tuck knows it's strengths and plays to them extremely well. The career prospects for consulting are unmatched and the alumni network is extremely responsive and helpful when seeking employment. My classmates were impressive and friendly -- many I will stay in touch with for the rest of my life.
Social life is made up of house parties, bars in town, and tons of events on campus. You'll get fatigue of activities before you ever get bored. Hanover is quaint and hospitable and a handful of new eateries (with surprisingly fantastic food) have popped up in the last two years. There is easy access to New York via a luxury bus-line (over-sized leather chairs, wi-fi, keurig, snacks, and drinks) and Boston is 2 hours away. Most students bring cars.
There is no doubt that I am better set up to succeed in my career after attending the Tuck School of Business. I went back last month with my consulting firm to recruit more students because the firm I work for sees great succes hiring at Tuck. Don't let the location scare you off, the upside is tremendous.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school
Curriculum, Classes, Professors