January 29, 2024

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Great Experience working with TRP

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Choosing TRP's services turned out to be a game-changer for me in my application journey. Even though I thought I was fairly acquainted with the MBA application process, the TRP team's expertise and guidance added an extra layer of excellence. Their initial exercises and questionnaires were exceptionally thorough, prompting deep reflection on various aspects of my life, dating back to childhood. This groundwork proved invaluable when I sat down to write my essays; I already had a treasure trove of 20-25 stories to draw from.
In the thick of the admissions process, I realized the value of having a team instead of just a single consultant. TRP's team structure meant that every element of my application (resume, LOR, essays, video essays, and more) underwent thorough scrutiny, revisions, and feedback from multiple perspectives. This ensured that my application stood out in all aspects. When it came to my essays, Dhiraj and Srishti dissected every line multiple times, and I can't express enough gratitude for their unwavering support. Essay reviews and mock interviews conducted by external members added tremendous value to my application. One thing worth mentioning is that the proactive engagement of the team persisted throughout the application process, extending beyond the submission of my application.
In this journey, my lead consultant, Dhiraj Daryani, has been my biggest support. He's not just a great mentor but was genuinely invested in my progress. His advice proved beneficial not just in the context of my MBA journey but also had a positive impact on my professional development. Dhiraj always goes above and beyond to support and guide you and is always available when you want to talk; having conversations with him gives you the clarity and strength you need in this gruesome MBA application process. His emphasis on building connections and keeping in constant touch with students and clubs provided me with clarity, firsthand insights, and a network I can count on in the years to come.
Because of the invaluable support of the team, I was able to get into my dream college (Kellogg) and received admits from 2 other programs. Without a doubt, I highly recommend TRP for MBA applications. My experience with Dhiraj and the team was nothing short of amazing.

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