May 29, 2024

Joined: May 29, 2024

Posts: 1

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Focus score:
735 Q86 V86 DI87



Improvement 40 Points

Course Target Test Prep Maximum Learning

Location Online


Fantastic full coverage of all GMAT focus content (quant, verbal, and data insights). Each section was covered thoroughly with plenty of practice questions to achieve mastery in each section.

Would make the product better:

At times it feels a bit too thorough. I worked for months only to complete the first 10 missions and realized it was not sustainable. There was simply too much content to read through and practice questions to answer. I wish I had used TTP to fill in my weakest areas earlier on in my GMAT studying.

Overall Target Test Prep is in my opinion the best GMAT prep service out there. The course is designed to take anyone to a 705+ GMAT focus score with how thoroughly they cover each topic. I found the quant section on the actual GMAT focus was significantly easier than the TTP quant prep. While I was not able to complete even half the course with the 5-10 hours I set aside for GMAT studying each weak, I was able to identify my weaknesses and with the thoroughness of the TTP course was able to fill in those weaknesses. The many practice tests also allowed me practice my timing which proved instrumental in the actual test and allowed me to get the most out of the official practice tests by getting true benchmark scores without timing issues affecting my score.

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