July 06, 2018

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Joining the 700 Club with TTP

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Improvement 20 Points

Course Target Test Prep Maximum Learning

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Before starting Target Test Prep (TTP), I spent so much time and energy utilizing various books and online platforms. For my 2nd retake of the test, I decided to prepare with Magoosh and walked out of the exam DEVESTATED. My quant score had plummeted from my 1st test score and I sat there in my car thinking “how did I get dumber?” As soon as I got home, I signed up for TTP. My friends who were taking the GMAT SWORE by it, so I knew that it was time to give it a try.

I began TTP and was impressed by how thorough the platform was. Because I used so many other platforms, I would always notice when one platform failed to teach a certain concept. That was never the case with TTP.

At one point during my TTP program, I came to a brief halt. I told Jeff that the reason that I hadn’t started the combinations chapter was because I had found combinations to be so challenging in the past and I was scared. He assured me that TTP’s combinations chapter was great so I begrudgingly started the chapter. Jeff was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! I felt so comfortable with combinations after that chapter, which was amazing because I had been struggling with them for months. TTP did an outstanding job of simplifying topics I had previously struggled with, such as geometry, combinations, probability, and number properties.

Before TTP, I dreaded taking practice exams because my math basics were so shaky. When I took my 1st post TTP practice test, I thought to myself “this seems too easy. I must be failing”. Nope! I just had a really strong grasp of the material. Post TTP, I only scored 49Q and 50Q on my practice and actual exams and I was so proud of myself.

When my friends who are about to start the GMAT process come to me for advice, I always tell them not to waste their time with other platforms and to start with TTP. My biggest GMAT regret is wasting my time and money on all of these other platforms for 7 months when I should’ve just started with TTP.

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