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Gives you a structured route that can save you tons of time and kill your procrastination!
Would make the product better:
In the custom test section , it would be lovely if it has more flexibility to choose the question bank.
It is a great tool with amazing UI that can be leveraged along with your inputs to get to your dream score. Use it smartly to make the most of it. Helped me get to my score pretty quick and that's what I wanted! Something time efficient.
It provides you with flexibility in your prep which you can use to target your time in right areas, For example: I was pretty confident with my content knowledge of quants, hence I could use the accelerated mode in which I just solved questions directly without going through the quant basics.
Categorisation of questions and solving them under the clock gives you a reality check and getting habituated to it is great, quiz mode of TTP does that for you!
Finally, TTP can be a great tool and also affordable if you use the monthly subscriptions effectively!!