March 21, 2023

Joined: Nov 27, 2022

Posts: 42

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q47 V42 (Online)

Improvement 90 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

Location Online


- Complete, well-structured, and unique Verbal course designed to improve the student's level of sophistication of the thinking
- Realistic and effective study plan, comprehensive of any needed material to reach your target score
- Most effective Quant course on the market
- A team of trained professionals always ready to reply to any doubt/question you could have

Would make the product better:

The only minor recommendation I can come up with would be the possibility for late-night students not to see their study plan be rescheduled after midnight.
That is really the only adjustment I would make to this course, because besided this minor inconvenience, it's just perfect.

I will comment mainly on the TTP Verbal course, because before my V33 GMAT attempt I had studied Verbal from other sources, and it definitely didn't work for me. After the V33 attempt, I started to use the TTP Verbal course to improve my Verbal performance.

The Verbal course was unique. Mind-blowing is the word I would use.
In roughly 3 weeks, the Verbal course brought me to an outstanding V42 on my 2nd GMAT attempt.
The course never focuses on made-up gimmicks or grammar, but teaches you to use bullet-proof logic and concrete reasons to eliminate incorrect answer choices.
I could see daily improvements in my Verbal performance in ANY section, on ANY question type, I was just amazed at my improvement.

If I had started to study the Verbal section from TTP from the very start of my GMAT prep, I would have likely scored even higher. Quite a statement.
With this Verbal course, there is not any ceiling to how high you can score.

I won't even bother commentating on the completeness and well-thought design of the Quant course. It's the best in the market and it's not even a secret. I was scoring Q48 and Q49 on the OG Official Practice tests, consistently, and it definitely showed on the real exam.

If you're in doubt, do yourself a favor and buy this course right now.

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