October 10, 2022

Joined: May 19, 2022

Posts: 1

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q48 V46

Really good, especially for Math


Improvement N/A

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

Location Online

First of all, my English comprehension level is pretty high (every day I read news that cover advanced topics such as politics and economy), so my review of the Verbal part of the course may be overly critical.

The Good (there are many, but these are the most important for me):
-The lessons are written only, which suits my learning style. If the student prefers videos, then I suggest to look elsewhere, since the only videos that this course offers are the ones that solve the questions presented in the lessons.
-The written lessons are short and easy to understand, so you wont get bored easily.
-The difficulty and type of questions were very similar to the ones presented in the GMAT test.
-I liked that for every question I could see the percentage of people who got it right and the average time.

The no so Good:
-Although I did learn a few new topics for SC, the CR and RC didn't teach me anything new. The tips on how to approach these questions didn't resonate with me, because I thought they were too time consuming. Sticking to my own way of solving these questions worked for me, but for a more intermediate student, the tips may be more helpful.
-Though the analytics section is interesting, I found it a bit gimmicky and not that useful. The problem is that the topics have varying number of questions. some have just 15 hard questions, while others have more than 90. Thus, a single silly mistake in an easy topic that has few questions is going to make it look like it's a weak area for you, even though you know it really isn't.
-I would suggest TTP to improve the error log. I would've prefered to see all my wrong questions at first and then have filters by topic, reason for the error, difficulty, etc.. The way it's currently presented is too cumbersome and time consuming, because I need to first select the topic and then the type of error.
-My biggest gripe was the fact that there was no question forum. Particularly for certain CR questions that I think had wrong correct answers, I would've liked to express my objection and why I thought the correct answer was wrong. However, there's no way to do it, which made me very frustrated.

Overall, I think TTP is very solid for the price. Most of the people I know have studied in classes that cost over USD 1000, but I wanted to save money. The result was that I only took one test and already got a score way higher than I expected. Particularly grateful for the Math section of the course, which helped me go from almost zero knowledge to a respectable 48.

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