February 27, 2022

Joined: Jun 16, 2021

Posts: 1

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42

Q50 thanks to TTP!


Improvement 60 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

Location Online

The first time I wrote the GMAT, I scored a 700. While I did well on verbal (V42), I was well below my target score of 50 on Quant (I scored Q43). I didn't know what to do since I had exhausted all of the OG Quant practice questions and even though I was able to answer those questions well, my abilities weren't being reflected on the actual exam. I knew I needed to invest in a course that would break down the different types of quant questions and teach the theoretical concepts so that I could effectively answer higher-level quant questions. This is where TTP came in.

I came across some reviews for TTP on gmatclub and thought I'd sign up for the 5-day trial. The trial allowed me to access the entire course and see that it was broken down into sections for the different questions types. I was able to determine which exact sections I was weak in and use the practice tests and lessons to improve my skills. I subscribed to TTP's flexible plan and completed all of the quant lessons and practice tests in a few months. It took me a while to get through the course since I was travelling and working, but I think you could probably complete the quant portion in a month depending on your starting skill level and availability.

I saw an immediate improvement in my quant skills after completing TTP. I was consistently scoring a Q50 or Q51 on the official GMAT practice exams (from and knew I was ready for the actual exam. I scored a Q50 on my actual GMAT exam and finished the quant section with 5 minutes to spare! This was a huge improvement since I wasn't even able to finish the quant section that first time I wrote the GMAT.

I wouldn't have been able to score in the 99th percentile without TTP. I love how the course breaks down the different concepts into sections and offers questions of differing difficulty levels so that you're able to assess how well you're doing. TTP is the gold standard for GMAT courses and I couldn't recommend it enough!

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