August 26, 2020

Joined: Feb 01, 2018

Posts: 2

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40

Target Test Prep - The only quant guide you'll need


Improvement 90 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

Location Online


If you can afford the program, do it. Target Test Prep is hands-down the reason I was able to score a 740 with a Q50.


My GMAT experience started in 2017. I was considering grad school and used self-study to take the GMAT, employing the typical resources such as the OG guides and Manhattan Prep guides. Score: 650 - Q46 / V34

I took a few years to work on my career and round out my profile. The GMAT loomed over my head until 2020 when I decided to give it another shot. Utilizing the same self-study techniques, the information I learned from my previous attempt came back relatively quickly, but after completing an initial practice test, I was disappointed to see an overall score of 640. My quant had dropped from a 46 to a 42. I knew I had to find a new way to study.

I consulted a colleague who pointed me to Target Test Prep. I was a little hesitant, but I knew I needed to shake things up. So, I signed up for the free trial. Within the first week, I was learning techniques that I had never seen before. Specifically, on rate / work problems, overlapping sets, and my nemesis at the time, combinations and permutations. I decided then to commit to the full course.

One thing you should know, is that the course requires a decent amount of time to thoroughly complete. In my case, I studied approximately 1 - 2 hours per night on most weeknights, and then 4 - 6 hours per day on the weekends. At that rate it took me approximately 2 – 3 months to finish. But I have to say, at no point did it feel that long. Target Test Prep does a fantastic job of structuring the course to keep it interesting and to keep you motivated to dive into the next subject. Every study session has opportunities to accomplish something and this, in my mind, was key to keeping me motivated.

At the end of the course, you are instructed to take the official GMAT practice exams. I committed to all 6 exams and immediately saw success. My tests ranged from 680 – 750 and my quant held steady at Q48. I improved my quant by 6 points!

Test Experience:

Test 1: 700 – Q45 / V40

I finally broke the 700 barrier! A huge accomplishment. The Q45 was a little disappointing, but I noticed the questions were particularly difficult. So, I scheduled another exam.

Test 2: 710 – Q48 / V39

Q48. Finally, back to where I expected it to be. Still, I was disappointed that I had not performed my best on both subjects on the same test. I knew I was capable of a higher verbal score, so I scheduled another exam.

Test 3: 740 – Q50 / V40

Q50 and V40. I still can’t believe it. I remember during the quant section that I saw questions whose strategy was specifically called out in my TTP studies. Seriously, I finished multiple questions within SECONDS because of the TTP strategies.


Using Target Test Prep, I was able to increase my GMAT score from a 650 to a 740, obtaining a quant score of 50. 50!!!! I firmly believe that Target Test Prep had a major influence on my success. I cannot recommend it enough, and now that they are adding verbal practice, it is likely going to be the only test prep guide you will need.

One final thought, if you can, take the test multiple times. I noticed a high degree of variability in the questions that were asked. Don’t get discouraged. Put in the time, believe in yourself, and you’ll be successful.

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