June 17, 2020

Joined: Apr 13, 2020

Posts: 2

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41 (Online)

TTP for GMAT Online: 640 to 730


Improvement 90 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

Location Online

Scores and Debrief

OG Practice Test 1: 640 (I forget my split but remember quant was 43). I took this sometime in November 2019. I rushed through a few questions in verbal and just wasn't used to sitting in front of my laptop for two hours. I also took this with a pen and paper since things were normal-ish back then. I clearly remember thinking that the quant questions weren't incredibly hard but I was just really out of touch with a lot of the concepts tested.

I got some extra time in April and thought of sitting down and studying for the exam seriously. After browsing the subreddit I bought TTP and two additional exams from GMAC. I concentrated almost solely on the chapters I was weak at (number prop, geometry, sets, etc) and didn't really touch the rest. It's not the best way to go about prep but I was confident in my other areas. As others on the subreddit have said, I found TTP to be incredibly comprehensive and convenient to work through.

OG Practice Test 1 (again; reset it): 750 - I decided to reset the exams and while I think the 750 might have been a bit inflated, I honestly didn't remember any of the previous questions. I got a 50 on the Q with 3 questions wrong. I felt pretty confident so I analyzed my mistakes and wrote another exam in a couple of days. I also strangely didn't find time an issue even with the whiteboard.

OG Practice Test 2: 760 Q49 with 3 wrong. I again felt pretty confident. I made a few mistakes in sentence correction and so went through some of the TTP SC sections since they were released during this time period too. I scheduled my Online GMAT and gave myself a week to write the other two practice tests and then give the exam.

OG Practice Test 3 and 4: 760 both times. I took both of these the week of my Online GMAT. At this point, I was averaging 1-3 mistakes on quant and had some issues with SC and RC. Luckily CR was solid. I could've put some effort studying for the verbal but I was happy with the score I was averaging and just wanted to get over with the test. I took the tests around the same time of day I planned on writing my official GMAT and in similar testing conditions.

GMAT Online: 730. Q49, V41 Some parts of the horror stories I read came true on test day for me. My exam crashed thrice and I lost a decent chunk of time in quant. I also rushed through the first 8-10 questions and definitely got at least 3-4 of them wrong. Considering my really bad start in quant, I expected a lower score. My verbal was okay, however, I again had the exam crash here. Also, there was one RC passage I particularly struggled with. Overall, I expected a 690-710 on the exam so I was glad I did better than that. I'm going to probably register for another shot at the Online GMAT when possible and try to push my score up a bit more.

Finally, I'd suggest taking practice exams in testing conditions and keeping a cool head in quant. Rushing through the first few questions if you think you're behind a bit on time only ends up being counterproductive. Additionally, I'd suggest going through the TTP SC chapters if possible. Their quant material is fantastic like everyone suggests but I found that any questions that directly tested the chapters I'd studied on TTP felt much easier than others.

I'm happy to answer any questions - good luck everyone!

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