June 21, 2019

Joined: Sep 12, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V39

Only one month of TTP - 100 point improvement


Improvement 100 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

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Definitely recommend TTP for quant improvement. After my second attempt (Q39) and consistently scoring only Q40-44 on practice tests, I knew I had to dedicate my time towards quant. I used TTP for only 4 weeks using the accelerated study plan, which instructs you to do the section tests first and then read chapters on any questions you incorrectly answer on the tests. Great targeted practices that drill concepts into your mind.

Despite only finishing 60% of the course, I still managed to consistently score Q47-49 on practice tests and ultimately a Q48 on my third attempt! Was extremely satisfied with the course and can attribute most of my success to TTP. I recommend anyone that has 2-3 months to do the full, regular study plan, and even if someone has 6-8 weeks to do the plan on the accelerated study plan (works well if you have already had 1 or 2 attempts and have a foundation of quant knowledge).

August 08, 2019

Hi there, it was encouraging to read your post. I've been struggling with a Q36 for last one year. It's heartbreaking to put in so much effort and still meet with stagnancy. Makes you wonder where you're going wrong. and i've been scratching my head on this for months. I have a decent foundation of quant (i hired a rather expensive private tutor to brush up my quant fundamentals as im a writer and i have little to no background in maths). I then gave an attempt which was dismal.i then took EGMAT course for 299$ studied again for 6 months and gave an attempt....still stuck at Q35/36. ordered kaplan mocks, redid a whole lot of practice questions in quant and gave third attempt last month...met with Q 36 again (got all medium questions on the exam).
I really need to rethink my whole approach to quant before i give my next attempt. Do you think TTP will help? I am studying aloongside i generally give 2-2.5 hours weekday and 5 hours sat and sunday each....i'vw already invested a lot of money in prep courses...really want to make my best move this that really gets me results. do share your thoughts please. thank you

August 08, 2019

Hi Mosaician, I am not stocking you. I swear :-) (but I do get review comment notifications for spam purposes).
I would highly recommend that you study BEFORE work. E.g. if your work starts at 8 or 9, then wake up at 6 and study for 1.5 hrs before work. That will be the most productive and valuable time you will have. If you can pull just 1.5 hours in the morning, that's equivalent to 6 hours after work probably (and likely even more since my mind was pretty useless at night). Instead I just read books, fiction, studied some vocab, and did review in the evenings. I could not be productive otherwise.

See if you can rearrange your work schedule or your sleep schedule for even a month to see the difference. Make sure you start each day with review of yesterday's material (don't just read but retell it to yourself - tell yourself what you have learned. I also took notes and wrote things out. I never studied with the notes but the fact that I wrote them down imprinted them in mind long enough to get a 750).

Good luck!

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