June 21, 2018

Joined: Jan 11, 2018

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Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
780 Q50 V48

Excellent and Affordable Quant Online Study Program


Improvement 90 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

Location Online

I used 3 months of the Flexible Prep package to study for the quant section of the GMAT this year. I am a native English speaker and knew that I was relatively strong at the Verbal section going into my GMAT. However, despite being an engineer, I was relatively unprepared for the quantitative section of the exam. The quant section wants you to think in a very specific way and memorizing certain tricks and formulas can take you very far. I initially started my prep using the Manhattan GMAT books. I went through all of them and realized that I hadn't really retained any of what I read because the practice was not engaging or well structured. It did not force you to review material periodically and didn't provide very many GMAT style problems to practice with. I took a second CAT after reading the books and found that I'd made very little progress.

Enter Target Test Prep. I read the reviews of many online resources before settling on TTP, partially because of the reviews and partially because their price point was MUCH more manageable than other companies. I feel like I got incredible value for money with the package, ultimately boosting my score from 690 (first CAT exam) to 780 (official score).

Some of the aspects that I liked most about the Target Test Prep software were its plethora of examples and practice problems, the periodic reviews of past material, and the similarity of the problems to the questions in the GMAT official practice exams and actual exam. The software has 2500 practice problems, testing you on every quant subject imaginable. I finished every practice problem, including re-doing some of them when I felt that I wasn't as solid on a topic. Every few chapters or so, the programs prompts you to review the latest material. This kept me accountable and forced me to build knowledge instead of just memorizing a technique for a few days to forget it several chapters later. I used the written study guides and made note-cards in addition to following the online progression.

After completing the studying, I took the 2 practice exams from GMAC and 4 practice exams from Manhattan Prep. The way questions were worded or structured in the GMAC exams was extremely similar to the way TTP had taught me. On the other hand, Manhattan Prep seemed like it was purposely trying to trick you. On the test day, I saw several problems that were structured in a that was almost identical to what I had studied with TTP.

As my final test score obviously demonstrates, TTP prepared me extremely well for the quantitative section of the exam. I would highly recommend it to anyone who really needs to focus hard on quant and may be stronger or more confident in verbal.

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