April 04, 2017

Joined: Jan 24, 2016

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Self-reported Score:
720 Q49 V39

Target Test Prep Helped Me Reach My Goal in 4 Weeks!

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Improvement 140 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

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With Target Test Prep, I increased my quant score from 42 to 49 in just 1 month. TTP is your best option to study for GMAT quant. Their study plans are tailored to whatever time and goals you have. I realized during their 5 day trial, how much time and money I wasted with other test prep materials.

When I decided I want to go to grad school, my score of 680 from 4 years earlier was not enough for my dream school. I thought I was prepared after studying on my own for 3 months with Kaplan and Manhattan GMAT. 4 years ago, I was scoring in the low 600s and ended up with 680 now I was scoring in the mid to high 600s so I felt fairly confident I could get 700 on the actual test.

The week leading up to the test, I started to doubt if I was actually ready because my quant score was not where I wanted it to be. (I was aiming for 49 or higher and I had scored in that range a couple of times but lately, I was scoring in the mid 40s) It was during that time that I read about TTP. I used their 5 day trial for some extra practice in quant before the test. On test day, everything that could go wrong did go wrong. I ended up with a score of 580.

I scheduled to retake the test one month later. I really liked what I had seen on TTP during the trial and decided TTP was my best option to increase quant especially in such a short period of time. I followed TTP’s short term study plan 95% of the time. They provide you with so many questions to practice each concept that I could identify the type of question and how to approach it before I was done reading the question. Their analytics tool was very helpful in showing me which areas I understood well and which areas I could spend some more time reviewing. I did over 1500 questions and felt so comfortable with quant after 1 month that I knew I would do better.

During the actual test, I was completely comfortable with all the quant questions. I never felt like the questions were too hard to answer. I believe that because I did so many problems, I just knew how to approach the questions without any trouble. A lot of the questions looked easy but I was able to catch hidden tricks because of all the practice questions I did. TTP helped me reach my goal (720)!

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