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All Reviews > Target Test Prep > Target Test Prep Dedicated Study > Review Comments |
TTP is a great program as it follows a very well-structured route. It is certainly a great option for anyone beginning their GMAT preparation.
Equally, for someone who already knows where they must improve, it is a great resource, as it is very versatile and you can revise by topic / section.
Would make the product better:
Some pages can be quite word heavy, which makes them unappealing when trying to work very fast.
As someone who's been through the GMAT prep process, I can confidently say that Target Test Prep (TTP) is a great resource. The service breaks down complex concepts into manageable chunks, making it very helpful. Their practice questions mirror the GMAT closely, and the service has a very proactive approach to the habits and techniques which will be useful when taking the exam.
The explanation of each section is very rigorous, and has immediate, simple solutions, as well as in depth video solutions for every problem if you are really stuck.
Overall a great resource for anyone studying for the gmat.