September 05, 2024

Joined: Sep 05, 2024

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Verified GMAT Focus score:
665 Q85 V84 DI80

Exceptional Practice to Improve Speed and Accuracy


Improvement 200 Points

Course Target Test Prep Dedicated Study

Location Online


The product really emphasizes repetition. The product also offers an essentials need-to-know cheat sheet that is extremely helpful in breaking down the exam into its core components that one may then practice on.

Would make the product better:

I was satisfied with the product through and through.

The ability to break down an exam into its core components and then practice those allows for marvelous increases in speed and accuracy towards taking the exam. The speed portion allows you to spend more time on difficult questions, courtesy of the numerous practice questions that emphasize repetition, but also as your accuracy improves, you feel yourself gliding through the exam. This is courtesy of the numerous ways you'll see the same problem or question framed such that one may be able to recognize the inherent pattern within to apply it to a multitude of different scenarios and problems henceforth. It becomes less of an exam and more of an exercise with sufficient practice with TTP's product

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