May 24, 2023

Joined: May 09, 2023

Posts: 1

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V44

710 to 760


Improvement 50 Points

Course Target Test Prep Dedicated Study

Location Online

When I first took the GMAT with no prep to establish a baseline for myself, I scored a 710. My friend had recommended I try out TTP, so I decided to purchase the 4-month course to give it a shot. From January 2023 to May 2023, I worked exclusively with the material TTP had offered. After taking official mocks 3-6 afterward, I scored 760s with Q range 50-51/V range 40-42/IR 8.

On the official GMAT, I scored a 760- Q50/V44/IR8. My average analytics on the course was 2hrs and 16 mins per day for 4 months; if you are capable of committing some time to study for the GMAT, I would 100% recommend TTP. Furthermore, I would even encourage you to pair this with other free resources to further enhance your learning. Although I exclusively used TTP, I don't see any drawbacks to pairing a powerful learning tool like TTP with other resources.

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