February 15, 2023

Joined: Jan 21, 2018

Posts: 11

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q47 V42 (Online)

Target Test Prep - All you need


Improvement 60 Points

Course Target Test Prep Dedicated Study

Location Online


- Great dashboard to show progress
- Many practice questions which force repetition
- Concepts are taught in a logical manner, and build on each other

Would make the product better:

- Some answers to questions were still a bit tricky to understand
- IR section was not really covered, could be an issue for students with little background in this

This is literally a one stop shop for obtaining an elite GMAT score. When I describe it to my peers, I liken it to having a personal coach who will take your of your nutrition, exercise routine and program structure - All you need to do is show up.

It is a long course, no doubt about it, and at times can feel endless. As long as you can commit, put in the hours (having a time tracker on the main dashboard helps immensely with this) you will get decent results.

By the time it came round to start on the official practice tests, I was amazed at the scores I was getting.

Overall a no BS, straightforward program that will get you results if you stick with it.

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