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I used TTP from July to mid-December, studying lightly the first couple of months and heavily the rest. Although my initial verbal score and understanding were pretty strong, I scored extremely low on Quant at the start and knew that I was going to have to put in a lot of work if I wanted a 700+. Quite frankly, I was shocked at how thorough, easy to use, and useful the program was. The chapters are very detailed and extensive, the solutions are laid out in understandable ways, and there are literally thousands of practice problems that look very similar to the questions I encountered on the actual test. TTP does an exceptional job at covering every quant/verbal concept that may appear on the GMAT. For example, for the Properties of Numbers chapter alone, if I remember correctly, there are around 30 practice tests, and if you do all of these, you will most likely be prepared for any kind of question related to this concept on the GMAT. I would definitely recommend using the program for at least 2 months, as it is pretty long and dense and it would be difficult to cover everything in a shorter period of time. A week before my actual GMAT test date, my subscription to the program expired, and so I reached out to the staff and explained my situation. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they gave me a free week of prep, without which I really would not have been able to get the score I did. TTP is an awesome program and I would and will recommend it to anyone and everyone!