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The school's culture is very collaborative. There is a strong sense of community. The program has a very tight knit cohort. The small class size provides lots of leadership opportunities and better interactions with the cohort, the faculty and the staff. The class room culture is very collaborative.
There are a lot of employers on campus and many domestic students get multiple job offers whereas very few of those companies coming on campus hire international students. Most of these companies do not sponsor international students and that is a major disadvantage for both the students and the school. Students have to go through their network to get a job which takes a lot of focus away from academia while Smith's ranking takes a hit as almost 38% of the class comprises of International students.
This is the only disadvantage of the school but a bit of that is made up for by proximity to DMV area which has lots of employers.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity
Culture & Student Support
Admissions Team
Career opportunities provided by school