June 10, 2019

Joined: Jul 10, 2014

Posts: 2

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Self-reported Score:
740 Q50 V40

Sigma-X Mocks by e-GMAT


I took Mock 1 of SIgma-X mock series by e-GMAT, and must say it's the closest to official GMAT mocks among all the other mock series I've taken. The score prediction is very accurate and truly reflects one’s ability at that point in time. Apart from accuracy of score, three things stood out for me -

1. Quality of questions - I didn't at once feel that I am solving non-official questions. e-GMAT spends a lot of time in researching and creating proprietary questions which are very close to actual GMAT questions. Quality of questions really matters while taking mocks because one can take 10 mocks and score well in all of them, but if the question quality is not as good as official GMAT questions, then it's all for nothing.

2. Adaptive nature of the test - The mock closely mimics the adaptive nature of official GMAT exam. This adaptive quality has helped me simulate the real test taking experience.

3. Post-test analytics - These analytics are just mind-blowing. To start with, the analytics mirror what you see in an official ESR, but then build on top of it. Using analytics, I was able to figure out things such as -
• Am I prone to warming up effect (taking too much time to solve initial questions?)
• How does my accuracy/time investment change if the test starts throwing hard questions at me?
• What’s my ability in different sub-sections?
• How much time am I spending in answering a question right vs wrong?

I am still in the process of preparing for my exam, and haven’t written it yet. But the mock experience has significantly helped me pin-point the weak vs strong areas for a more focussed prep.

P.S. – I’ll disclose my scores in each of the Sigma-X mocks and Official mocks, along with my Official score once I write my exam.

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