July 24, 2024

Joined: Jul 14, 2024

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Choose Rachel Beck!


I had Rachel as my admissions consultant for the recent deferred MBA application cycle. Out of the 4 M7 schools I applied, Rachel helped me get into 3 of them, including HBS - my dream school.=

From our consultation call, it is evident that Rachel brings her many years of expertise to the table. The biggest challenge I faced was being an applicant from an untraditional career path - none of my internships and post graduate job established a linear career trajectory. I switched industries and job functions for every experience. Rachel, with her phenomenal storytelling capacity, immediately helped me come up with a convincing narrative that strategically positioned me as a unique candidate. We all know that MBA Admissions is a lot of soul searching - as a deferred admissions applicant who just graduated from college, I had to map out my life for the next 5-10 years. Without Rachel’s thoughtful questions, I wouldn’t have come up with a solid case for why MBA and realized a lot of strengths that I personally have.

One thing I appreciate Rachel the most is how reliable and supportive a partner she has been. She was always available for me throughout my application journey, from helping me edit an essay to the 10th draft (because I personally thought I wasn’t there yet) to answering my nervous calls before going into interviews and even giving me advice for things going on at school and work. She never set unrealistic expectations but straightforwardly helped me understand which steps I needed to take to find success, one step at a time. It’s a scary process, but I never thought I was alone. She really motivated me to be my 100%!

In all, work with Rachel! I can reasonably say that partnering with Rachel was the best decision I made that led to the positive outcomes. She’s the best!

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