March 31, 2024

Joined: Mar 31, 2024

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Harshad was the best possible consultant, mentor and financial investment throughout my MBA application experience. I was debating using an MBA consultant as it is a sizable investment, but it was the most worthwhile money I spent on anything throughout the entire process from tutors to test prep classes to books etc. I ended up only having a month to submit 8 applications and I truly couldn’t have done it without Harshad. When I met with Harshad for the free intro session, he was the perfect balance of complimentary and realistic about my background and business school prospects. I bought a school package and it was invaluable as I leveraged him for everything including guidance on where I should apply, my resume, my essays, random one-off questions about the applications, the interviews and even choosing which offer I should accept. He even helped me learn how to negotiate scholarships, which I would’ve never known was a possibility otherwise and is enough return on investment itself. I would 100% recommend the school package over the hourly because I ended up frequently emailing him with lots of little one off questions and there was so much support for things I hadn’t anticipated.

Professionally, Harshad was always timely (insanely fast at turning around feedback) and provided extremely helpful positive and critical feedback. He is straightforward and doesn’t beat around the bush which I really appreciated. There was one week when I was practically meeting with him every night, sending him materials after our meeting that night, and he would provide feedback by the next day for us to review that evening. He even provided support over the winter holiday season which was extremely helpful given my timeline for R2 submissions.

But even more than just the professional guidance, Harshad was a critical emotional support pillar and instilled confidence in myself that I never would’ve had otherwise. Harshad pushed me to apply to schools I never thought I’d have a chance of getting into and I ended up being accepted! I went through a tough relationship break up during the one month I had to write my applications and Harshad called to check on me (extremely kind and supportive) and gave me time to process but also made sure to keep me on track so that I could get in all my applications. He constantly encouraged me and made me feel proud of my accomplishments during a tough time in my life and made sure to tell me I shouldn’t doubt myself. Harshad has a very high EQ and I can fully endorse him as a female client in saying that I would recommend him for any gender or background. I have no engineering background either and it made no difference- I truly think he could help anyone. He even had helpful pointers and tips regarding my application as a female and what my experience in business school could entail as a female. I can not say enough good things about Harshad. I’ve talked about him to all of my family and friends and they are all in agreement that he is essentially a superhero. Definitely work with Harshad if you can!!!

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