February 01, 2022

Joined: Aug 29, 2021

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Awesome professional relationship


Throughout the application season, Melissa made herself available to help me with any aspect of the application that I felt uncertain about. She was always able to sense my uncertainty and provide immediate advice and feedback.

At the start of our partnership, Melissa made sure that she understood my perspectives through countless emails and calls. Not only did she take in all my stories A-Z, but also helped immensely in shaping them to convey my strengths across applications.

It never felt like a bother whenever I wanted to ask Melissa for her opinions, rather she was always happy to extend her services to me. She consistently ensured that I was content with all essay responses, and that they felt authentic. Overall, her willingness to triple check all application components and revisit any aspects I may have changed allowed for a genuine application that I felt confident in and content with.

During interview rounds, Melissa provided very thorough prep sessions that covered all bases from response timing to structure. She helped me prep for each program individually and always asked how I felt after sets of questions - willingly devoting more of her time to helping me.

Overall, Melissa was exceedingly supportive of my thoughts. She took in every idea I had and helped me develop them into well-formed responses. I certainly recommend her services - best partnership I’ve had!

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