January 29, 2022

Joined: Nov 07, 2021

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Katharine Lewis: A Fantastic JD/MBA Consultant

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Katharine Lewis was an excellent consultant and mentor from the beginning to the end of my JD/MBA application process. I applied to the top JD/MBA programs in the United States, and so far I have acceptances to the joint JD/MBA program at Wharton/Penn Law and the joint program at Chicago Booth/UChicago Law. I was also accepted to Harvard Law School. While my work with Katy focused on the MBA component of the application process, given her background as a JD/MBA, she also was able to offer advice and insights surrounding the JD application process, as well as connect me to top advisers who were more familiar with this latter process.

Overall, the key aspects of Katy's support were: the initial brainstorming, the essay review, interview preparation, and holistic confidence building. At the beginning of your work together, Katy will work with you to brainstorm and assess your professional and personal life to date and bring out the application narrative that is most cohesive and aligns best with who you are. While most of us will have a broad sense of what this narrative is, Katy will play a pivotal role in going through all of the details--her outsider's perspective is vital here, too--with a fine-toothed comb. This will permit you to flesh out and really provide much more color to your narrative than you otherwise would have.

Second, as you begin to write your essays, Katy will provide candid and valuable feedback so that your writing style and voice can really shine and stand out. She doesn't sugarcoat and is direct, which really worked for me, especially in the time-constrained context of the application process. Katy will provide top-down support on the essays, from thinking with you strategically about how certain stories and narratives should be presented, to reviewing more tactical facets of the writing process.

Perhaps one of the most impactful components of her support is Katy's work with you on the interview preparation. She's coached hundreds of applicants and been on the other side of the application process (as an admissions officer for Stanford GSB), so she clearly knows exactly what the admissions or alumni interviewers are looking for. We worked on preparing many different stories from my professional and personal background that I could bring to the interview, and that I could adapt to different questions. This way, I wasn't memorizing any script and running the risk of sounding unnatural, but I was ready and confident to share different scenarios from my experience with a beginning, middle, end, and reflection at a moment's notice.

Finally, a more intangible, but nonetheless invaluable, component of Katy's help is the confidence and wisdom she instills in you throughout the MBA application process. By working with her, you know you aren't going into this process blind--she instills in you an overarching understanding of what admissions is looking for, and by helping you to look at things from her vantage point, you are also granted a sense of wisdom and serenity that comes from having done this many times over (even though you are hopefully doing this for the first and last time!).

If you are able to get Katy as your consultant (she is in high demand!), go for it. You will not regret it. She will help you crush your MBA and JD/MBA applications!

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