January 04, 2022

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A Wharton and Columbia invite because Jessica didn't give up!


It is a lie if anyone says they have achieved what they have, alone. For my admits to Columbia and now Wharton (with the Joseph Wharton Fellowship) the credit goes to Jessica.

We started this journey a year back. I had no prior experience of writing applications but was hyper excited about the process. I had done dozen of calls with companies, counsellors (India and International) but couldn't decide on which one to go forward with. But when I talked to her it felt like I was talking to myself. She was attentive, effective and very professional about her work.

When you are a little successful in life you start dreaming about Ivy Leagues but reality is quite different. I was over confident and as much as I believed I will get through I required someone who would keep me grounded and focussed on the process. Her guidelines, deadlines, notes and homework was absolutely spot on. It kept me on my toes and made sure I met deadlines.

But what was spectacular was when I started getting rejects. I couldn't find anyone as personally invested in my failure as she was. She wouldn't leave any stone unturned to keep sending updates, share her learnings and in no way let me give up or belittle myself.

From Essay writing where she knows how to strategically put content, not miss on any part of the profile yet not make it look like mess to the recommendations which she diligently reviewed and was blatant to point out if they turned unprofessional. Her clarity of thought was what ran the show and I proudly say, I couldn't have done it alone.

I was fortunate to have found the best counsellor but now also a dear friend whom I cannot wait to meet in person.

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