February 25, 2021

Joined: Feb 17, 2021

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My relationship with Jessica and mbaMission goes back. I first had the intention of applying to a top school MBA over 7 years ago and then life got in the way. We reconnected as I started to explore Stanford’s MSX (M.S. in Management for mid-career professionals). I was admitted to the program thanks to Jessica.

In both processes Jessica was outstanding, she understood and helped me understand that it made sense for me not to pursue the MBA program back then and helped me double down on my decision to apply for Stanford’s MSX this time around. Applying to a top program can be overly stressful but with the support of Jessica it didn’t seem all that hard. Mainly because she breaks it down is multiple milestones. Her process of doing exhaustive guided brainstorm, combined with 1:1 sessions to reflect before drafting anything is a key differentiator that sets her and mbaMission apart. Jessica is also a top storyteller and will help you tell the story in a way that is engaging and authentic. Also expect no delays in her turnaround, at times it’s hard to keep up, but that’s what you want when applying to a top program: a pace keeper that guarantees that the process keeps on moving.

I would strongly recommend the end-to-end school packages, it certainly worked for me.

The level of deep connection that one develops in this process with her is unique, Jessica has become a mentor, a friend and someone I will continue to go back to as life goes on.

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