June 17, 2020

Joined: Mar 30, 2019

Posts: 3

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Debbie Was Amazing!!!

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I had a fantastic experience with mbaMission and Debbie Choy! I made the decision to apply in Round 2 in early November and was able to go from not knowing which schools to apply to or even what "story" I wanted to go in with, to submitting 3 high-quality applications before Christmas. I couldn't have made it into an "M7" school without Debbie's help!

Beyond just the general quality of her feedback and mastery of the entire application process, there were a few specific things I really appreciated:

--Ability to prioritize: Debbie was great at focusing in on the areas that really mattered, and deprioritizing things that weren't value-add. This drove a high level of efficiency in my process without sacrificing quality / thoroughness at all.

--Highly structured & great communication: throughout the entire process, Debbie provided a plethora of resources and guidance. From school selection scorecards to brainstorming resources to interview prep to waitlist navigation, I never felt like I had a lack of information or tools, which gave me a high level of comfort and took a lot of the "guess-work" out of the application process.

--Fantastic at helping craft my story: One of the big unknowns for me going in was precisely what I wanted to do post-MBA and how to tie that to my "story" that weaved together my past experiences into a comprehensive narrative. Debbie was truly amazing at diving deep into everything from my upbringing to my hobbies and my work experience and crafting a clear and logical message.

--Great attitude: Debbie was always really positive, which is very helpful as you are stressed out throughout the application process. I also frequently tended to have a lot of small, random questions; while I'm sure this was annoying, Debbie answered everything thoroughly, efficiently, and never once with a hint of annoyance or animosity. Also, whenever she pushed back on an idea I had, it was always done in a positive, constructive manner which was super helpful.

Overall, I would highly recommend mbaMission and Debbie Choy specifically -- Debbie exceeded expectations and drove excellent results for me in my application process.

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