March 31, 2020

Joined: Aug 31, 2017

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My experience with Jessica was tremendous!


I worked with Jessica for 2020 intake and I can confidently say that was the best decision I could’ve made in my MBA journey. She saw promise in someone who didn’t necessarily see it in themselves. Now, I’ll be attending my dream MBA program this fall and I am incredibly thrilled!

A little background on my profile – 3.0 GPA from an average international university with 3 years experience in the world of finance (middle-office for a trading desk). My target school was a very competitive M7 program. In my mind a longshot. In Jessica’s mind, quite doable if I put forth the necessary effort.

From the initial call, we began to strategize as to how I could position myself best for upcoming applications. She provided support and guidance through the initial steps of GMAT and building out a more robust profile. Once it came time to start on applications, Jessica’s insight and guidance were key. There are two key insights that she brings via experience – what experiences/things AdComs look for in an application, and, most importantly, how to tell your story in a gripping and unique manner while also showing them your authentic self.

Additionally, her directness forced me to be honest with myself and her energy consistently motivated me to be and do better. She was quick with valuable feedback and if she needed a second opinion, she would not hesitate to ask a colleague to aid in the process.

When I was accepted to my target program, I walked away from the experience thinking how lucky I was to have had the chance to work with Jessica. I guarantee, if you choose to work with Jessica and put in the level of effort she requires, you’ll walk away with an unparalleled experience and the knowledge that you could not have put forth a better application.

No question, if I had to redo the process, I wouldn’t change a thing - thanks Jessica!

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