March 23, 2020

Joined: Mar 23, 2020

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Outstanding Advisor


Bottom Line Up Front: Jessica turned my long-shot application into an acceptance letter from my dream school.

As a 30+ year old military applicant w/ <55% GRE and an average undergrad GPA, I had a steep hill to climb when it came to gaining admission to top MBA programs. Even though I knew my applications were a reach she always kept me focused on what mattered: bolstering strengths, mitigating weaknesses, and continuing to push through the marathon that is the grad school application process. Her people/communication skills are excellent. Whether I needed a shoulder to lean on or a swift kick in the rear, her tone and approach flexed to accommodate whatever I needed most on any given day. Critiques were always returned to me either early or on time. One night while “burning the midnight oil” on an application, I wrote her a fairly detailed question around 10pm her time. Even though it was outside her normal work window, within the hour she selflessly provided actionable feedback and never made a fuss about it.

Jessica is a more than just a competent professional that gets results. She genuinely cares about the people she works with...and it shows. If you’re looking to maximize results on MBA applications, you’ll definitely want her on your team!

A grateful client and Duke MBA Candidate

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