March 06, 2020

Joined: Sep 17, 2013

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Can't thank Harold enough!


Quick background: I am a 35 years old candidate with a traditional work experience (finance/investment). I first applied to B-schools about 5 years ago using a “consultant” who only worked with me on the essays. I applied to HBS, Stanford, Wharton and UC Berkeley. Dinged from ALL of them without an interview! I had a low GMAT (620) and my essays (in hindsight) were weak. I attempted the GMAT multiple times without success, so I decided to sleep on it for few years.

This time around, I did an extensive research on consultants, including various interview calls. Some of them are highly ranked with extensive experience. Many of those highly-ranked consultants tried to persuade me to only apply to top 30 schools, international schools (outside of US) or executive MBA. It was obvious they cared about their “success rate”. Harold was completely different! From the first call, he was very honest about my profile, but also very supportive. I still remember his words: “if it is a dream school, then we are applying to it, but we also need to explore other schools”. My initial list was Stanford, UC Berkeley, MIT and Yale. We also added Duke, but pushed Yale for later given the timeline. And guess what? I Got interviews from 3 of 4 schools and got accepted to two schools. I slightly improved my GMAT to 650, but decided to try the GRE. I got around 315 in the GRE (with 165 in quant), so Harold recommended I only submit my GRE score, which I did.

During the process, Harold was impressive in his quick responses and great feedback. Thanks to the time difference, we were working 24/7. I would wake up super early morning (which is late evening his time) to work on his comments that he sent few hours ago, and he would work on my changes while I was at work. I never had to worry about weekends with Harold! He was always online. What I realized is that the harder I worked, he would match my efforts! Few times he would prioritize other students for a day or two but that’s just because they have deadlines coming in. At the end of the day, it is YOUR application, so the more effort you put in, the more you will get from Harold, and he delivers!

In addition to his impressive efforts, Harold has a great experience and insight when it comes to schools. He would help you focus on the aspects of your story that would make you stand out.

I am forever grateful to Harold for all his hard work and making a dream come true, especially to someone who is considered “old” and a has a mediocre test score! If I had to do it again, I will go with Harold without hesitation!

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