February 25, 2020

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Highly Recommend Working with Krista!


I’m not someone who likes to spend money, so choosing to hire an admissions consultant seemed outrageous to me. However, I told myself I would only go through the application cycle once and would give it my very best shot. By hiring Krista, I knew I was giving it my all. In hindsight, it’s hard to tell what actually got me into various schools (Berkeley Haas, Yale SOM, and Michigan Ross), but I knew by using an admissions consultant I was putting my very best foot forward. If I were to do the process all over again, I would not change a thing.

I decided to go with Krista because we shared a common interest of international travel and I felt that she would take the time to get to know me. I realized this after our initial free 30-minute consultation. I wasn’t wrong and am so happy with my decision to work with Krista for my MBA applications. I felt like Krista took the time to get to know me and cares about the people she works with. A great tool mbaMission provides is a brainstorming document to populate prior to beginning any applications. The document takes over 10 hours to complete and seems like a bit of a waste when you’re spending so much time on something that isn’t directly writing essays. However, this document helped Krista get to know me and really understand me from a personal and professional perspective.

I worked with Krista on three schools (two of which I was admitted to). The feedback Krista provided was always extremely helpful. Even when I received conflicting feedback from other reviewers, Krista was able and willing to reason through everything with me. Krista served as my source of truth with a helpful yes or no answer to all my questions. She placed more emphasis and care on me as a person, wanting me to submit applications I felt were my very best. Not once did I feel like her “client”. Krista made time for various discussions about my essays and future applications. One of the things I liked most about using an admissions consultant was the timeline they’re able to keep you on. I was able to start my applications at the beginning of July and take a two week break in September before submitting. This helped to spread out the work and ensure I was not doing everything last minute. Krista always kept to the two-day turn around promise.

I thoroughly enjoyed working with Krista and feel like I’ve gained a fantastic mentor in the process. I can’t recommend working with her enough!

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