February 04, 2019

Joined: Feb 04, 2019

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Do yourself a favor & choose Katy Lewis!

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To summarize simply, Katy is amazing. You won’t find anyone more supportive, kind, and knowledgeable. She is truly invested in your future and success from beginning to end. I was a Round 1 applicant and I, like many applicants, had lofty goals of attending some of the top schools but with the fear that I wasn’t good enough: typical finance & strategy experience, below average scores and non-pedigree state school for my undergrad.

When I filled out my “brainstorming” document, I wondered how unique I could possibly be. However, during our conversation, as she asked in-depth “Why?” questions, she got to the core reasons of why I made the decisions I had made. Katy was instantly able to pinpoint unique themes in my story – something I would have never been able to do on my own. By the end of that call, I knew that Katy was truly my friend, ally, and part-therapist.

In all, the application process is no-joke. I went through many ups-and-downs wondering if I would even get an interview at these schools, but Katy was there for it all. It’s a long process but she breaks down the marathon into clear deliverables over the course of a couple of months. Katy knows what these schools are looking for, how to position your story the right way, and what to do to prepare. She's always on call to answer any question you may have.

In the end, I was accepted to Harvard (my first choice) and two other top 5 programs. I truly am thankful for all of her help and cannot recommend her highly enough to anyone who’s looking for not only a consultant but a cheerleader and friend throughout the process.

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