February 03, 2017

Joined: Aug 15, 2013

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Best. Decision. Ever,


About three years ago, I was on this exact page reading these reviews. Although it was blatantly obvious that Angela was amazing from all the reviews, I also noticed that many of these reviewers had very strong profiles and ended up at schools that I could only dream of attending. My background was by no means a clear stand out for a top business school: sub 3.0 GPA, average GMAT, non-traditional work experience, etc. I pretty much felt that I had little to no chance with my profile regardless if I used an MBA consultant or not. I always wanted to go to business school but where I was in my career, it only made sense to go if it was top ranked school, which seems to be the case for a number of people nowadays. Nonetheless, I decided the worst that could happen was receiving politely crafted rejection emails on random mornings and the slightly funny thought that a whole bunch of Adcom people would never be able to get back the time that they wasted going through my application. So, I scheduled the free 30-minute consultation with Angela.

Best. Decision. Ever.

Within 5 minutes into the consultation, Angela cut me off and bluntly condemned my negative mindset. In the next 25 minutes, Angela completely reshaped my story, highlighted unique aspects that I completely glossed over, edited my resume, gave me a list of schools that I would be a good fit for, and created a detailed roadmap for me. I remember sitting on the couch thinking “Did this lady just hand me a brand new and somewhat reasonable 5-year plan? Okay then, I guess I’m going to business school!” By the end of the consultation, I also concluded that: 1. People who write reviews on Gmatclub actually tell the truth (I’ve been skeptical). 2 Angela was exactly who I needed to work with.

Fast-forward to present: Now I get to finally write one of these testimonials as a reviewer who be attending one of those dream schools, with a sizable scholarship too! I cannot express my gratitude for everything Angela has done for me and as many others have already said – I definitely could not have achieved this without Angela.

I don’t want to get into too much detail because I really hate and suck at writing, but there are just a couple of things that I wanted to share.

My journey to business school was quite rough. It ranged over two and half years and I would be completely lying if I told you the journey wasn’t the most exhausting, draining, and sometimes discouraging experience that I have ever gone through. I took the GMAT five times, wrote over a hundred essay drafts, enrolled in numerous supplemental classes, and got laid off from a job somewhere in-between.

Angela was literally the only person that gave me the type of confidence that I needed to keep pushing forward. Just knowing that she had my back every step of the way motivated me so much. She made it clear that she wouldn’t let me submit an application that wasn’t my best work and she also made sure that she put in her best work for me as well. I can't even count how many emails, calls, and Skype sessions we’ve had, each of which Angela gave her full attention, humor and all.

Yes, Angela is a master at story crafting. Yes, Angela knows exactly what each school wants. Yes, Angela keeps it real. Yes, Angela connects with people. Yes, Angela… [insert skill]. But as I am writing this, I realized that the two most valuable things that Angela did for me wasn’t what I would have thought in the beginning. The first - Angela asked all the tough questions that nobody asked me, many of which were extremely personal. The second - She truly and genuinely valued my passions and always reminded me to never waver from them. Both of these things not only shaped my application obviously, but it also allowed me to think deeply and meticulously and to be honest with myself. I was able to dial in on what was important, move on from disappointments, and perceive challenges as opportunities. While I embark on my next journey, Angela will be right there with me as I continue to put all of those lessons I learned from her into practice.

Angela is so much more than an MBA consultant. She is a mentor, motivator, life coach, career coach, friend, and just an overall marvelous wonderful person. Never in a million years would I have thought a person who I found on this page years ago would had such a profound impact on me and my career. Thank you Angela!!

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