October 02, 2016

Joined: Feb 08, 2016

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770 Q49 V47

Fantastic consultant - don't hesitate


As I was researching admissions consultants, I felt overwhelmed so I'm going to try and make this as useful and to the point as possible. Dan is a fantastic consultant. He's professional, organized, knows what he is doing and will go the extra mile to help you craft the best application possible. I was on the fence about hiring a consultant as I thought I would be able to write some pretty decent essays myself. How wrong I was. There were many instances in which Dan helped me re-think my essays. I appreciated his direct style of working and to-the-point feedback. Dan also allowed me to push back on certain areas where I thought his edits didn't fit with my 'voice.' He was supportive in this. If you're someone who is a hard worker and just looking for that extra edge, Dan is your guy. I really can't think of anything critical to say, other than sometimes I felt he was rushed during some of our conference calls. On the other hand I appreciated that in retrospect. Back to his style, I think this is a good thing as well.... He kept me focused on the goal. In the end I learned a ton, created an admissions package I would not have been able to develop on my own and got admitted to my top school of choice. If you'e on the fence, just do it. In the grand scheme of things the cost is a drop in the bucket in the overall investment in the MBA, but will pay off in big ways. I interviewed every major consultancy out there and within about 5 mins of being on the phone I had a gut feeling he was the right consultant for me. I'd suggest you do the same.

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