May 05, 2015

Joined: Apr 03, 2015

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When I decided to pursue an MBA I knew I would need assistance putting together a competitive package. I was coming from a non-traditional background (higher education administration) with little to no quant experiences in the positions I've held, and a weak GMAT score (sub-600).

I applied to a program to help persons of color gain entry to top business schools and after being dinged by them, I decided to seek out admissions consultants. My method for choosing was quite simple; I called the five most popular companies and scheduled their free 30 minute calls. Given that the costs were fairly similar among companies, I decided to let my "gut" make the choice.

I spoke to Monica during my free call and knew she was who could get me into my target school. I felt at ease during our call, we laughed, and she gave me some sound advice, all before I even committed to mbaMission. This provided me with a level of trust that would be very important over the next several months.

Over several months Monica and I exchanged emails and phone calls. I would be lying if I said that her way of getting you admission ready was easy. There were many assignments that took hours to complete, however at the end of those hours was a solid product. I learned more about myself completing her assignments than I expected. These assignments were the foundation for crafting my story.

The writing process is tough for anyone applying to school. Having Monica, who is a writer by trade, there to guide me (and often times re-direct me) what invaluable. I knew that certain areas in my app were weak (GMAT, gpa, quant skills), but Monica was determined to make sure that my story was clear and left a mark to whoever read it. In addition, Monica prepped me for my admission interview which I believe was a determining factor in my gaining admission. Monica sent out notices regarding her turn-around time so there was no confusion and even returned edits to me over the holiday.

I can say with confidence that my application would not have been given a second look at even my safety schools had I not enlisted the help of Monica and mbaMission. She challenged me to be better, pushed me to think harder, and prepared me to be successful during the application cycle.

Not only did she help me get into my reach school, but I was also given a partial scholarship. I owe her more than she knows.


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