April 14, 2015

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After first approaching the application process on my own, I came to the realization that some good guidance could go a long way for me. With long hours at work, I knew that I would need to work efficiently to meet my MBA goals. Enter, Susan Kaplan.

Though I began working with Susan somewhat late in the process, her focus on the building blocks of my application was outstanding. In particular, she worked tirelessly with me to craft and re-craft my career goals to align with the rest of my story. Given my varied interests and aspirations, this was easier said than done.

Susan's essay feedback was also critical to my success. She was hard on me -- like that teacher that you resent at times but ultimately gets the most out of you -- but was also caring and invested in my success. Working on applications every night after long days at the office is a grind, but Susan kept pushing me to iterate, improve, and ultimately submit my best work.

Her response to my being accepted into my target school - a top-10 program - was fitting: "WOO-HOO!!!" We were in it together from the start.

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