May 15, 2014

Posts: 1

Kudos: 5

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I highly recommend Jessica Shklar at MBA Mission as a MBA business school admissions consultant. I began the Admissions process as a non-traditional applicant (with a career in the international non-profit development sector) and was an older applicant for full-time MBA programs. Being completely foreign to the MBA admissions process and with no time or years to waste, I decided to hire a consultant to help guide me through the process, keep me on target, and help me tell my story. After reading many reviews, I hired Jessica and she surpassed my expectations at every stage of the admissions process.

Jessica is highly professional and responsive. From our initial consultation, to our brainstorming, and our interview prep – she was always supportive but was unafraid to ask difficult questions to help tease out my story. In my many iterations of essays, she provided constructive feedback which vastly helped me make my essays more concise while also delivering more compelling content. While I had read that my background and age could be hurdles, Jessica helped them become my strongest assets. She was also able to give advice to my recommenders who had never written recommendations for an MBA application. At times I forgot that she was my consultant, as she felt more like my mentor.

With Jessica’s help, I received interview invites from every school I applied to, gained acceptance to 2 schools and was waitlisted at the other 2 schools (Chicago & MIT). I decided to not pursue my waitlisted schools and accept a fully funded fellowship. With Jessica’s help, I will actually be paid to go to business school and pursue my dreams. I never thought that was even possible. Jessica is worth the investment.

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