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Scheller is in my opinion, a top 10 MBA program for those looking for a career in the Tech sector. The school has integrated a Tech focus across all disciplines and it is driving innovation across all sectors.
The location, in the heart of Midtown, is surrounded by 15+ Fortune 50 innovation centers, a world-class start-up incubator, and seamlessly integrated with one of the best engineering schools in the world. Because of this access, we engaged in multiple real-world consulting projects and practicums, gaining valuable experience.
A combination of the above factors has lead Scheller to placing a very large percentage of each class in Top-5 consulting firms and nearly every major Tech company. (I joined Microsoft, in Seattle). Due to the relatively small class size, 80 students per class, every company we have a relationship with does not bring recruiters on campus, but that does not stop us from placing students there every year. IMO, if not for the class size, Scheller is a top 10-15 school.
If you are definitly looking to get into Tech, Consulting, or Supply Chain, I would put Scheller at the top of your list, you won't regret it.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
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Student body, diversity