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Great business school. Fantastic experience overall.
I had many doubts before coming to Oxford in terms of career opportunities, rankings and alumni. Indeed it does have some rooms for improvements in those areas given its relatively young age, but they are being addressed quite aggressively by the school. Many exciting projects are under their way; new entrepreneurship centre, new careers office, new talented directors and staff throughout departments, new systems and websites for alumni and career opportunities. School is also beefing up its partnerships with major firms and recruiters which will benefit future students and alumni.
For entrepreneurs, this is probably the top 10 b-school in the world especially for social entrepreneurship. Brilliant professors and programs supporting entrepreneurs.
Besides these offerings for professional growth, Oxford University as a whole gives you the most exciting offerings for your personal growth - sports, lectures, colleges, Oxford union, guest speakers, its rich history and academic offerings are truly world class. This is truly one of a kind experience that you have to witness to fully understand and appreciate.
Brilliant classmates from all over the world over 50 nations being represented. Super collaborative and helpful with such diverse background. Superb facilities, food and staff.
Just like any other schools, there are classes that need improvements and that are really brilliant. First term is quite hectic as you have all your core classes lined up in such a short period of time so mentally prepare yourself. Most of the elective classes are really good, especially Real Estate and Negotiation.
Since this is 1-year program, sector and location change will be a challenge. Prepare to apply for MBA specific hiring programs during the first term. Network in advance to increase your chance. Speak to your classmates and ask for help if needed. Time really flies by when you are here so make the most of it while you are here.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Student body, diversity
Culture & Student Support
Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school
Guys, I got an invitation to Said Business School. Would you suggest to arrange an interview over internet or in person on site at Said? Thank you.