March 28, 2023

Joined: Mar 28, 2023

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Rotman needs to adapt


This review is for Rotman

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2021

Experience during the program

This school was probably great in 2004. The world has completely changed, and employers want specialists now. Read "Canada's MBA problem" in the globe and mail. Sums up the problem with this school well. I graduated 2 years ago, and here are my observations so far:

1) If you do end up going here and want to switch careers, stay away from programs without internships. They don't really care about you and your job prospects if you're a non-full-time student. They don't tell you how little they will help you land a job in a new career when they market alternative programs to you. It's all sunshine and butterflies.

I know at least 5 students who are still struggling to find jobs across different programs after graduating. They're getting kind of desperate now, and some have resorted to freelance work.

2) The school floods the market with MBAs by letting in a million people.

3) They should have targeted career planning for students and not let in students who don't think they can help find good jobs.

One of our profs referred to us as the school's product. Well... if we're the product, they should do a better job in making sure the product is ready for the job market.

4) They should have a product management specialization and product courses. It's one of the highest-paying non-finance/consulting jobs... why don't they teach it? Kellogg teaches it. Get with the times

5) $100 thousand is wayyyyy too much for a non-ivy league business school in Canada. 10% of students will get top finance and consulting jobs. It's worth it for them. For the rest of the students,... no way. It'll take forever to pay that off. And it's not like they help you out if you can't find a high-paying job... nope. you're on your own. Too bad, so sad.

6) If you take CDL thinking you're going to get a job offer with a startup... prepare to be disappointed. I only know of one student in my cohort that this happened to, and the class had like 200 people.

They brought in a CDL alum when selling the course to students, and it's always the one alum who is doing the best right now. That guy is the exception to the rule and not the norm. Most CDL students are definitely not CEOS of the startup they worked with LOL. Give me a break.

If I were to pay for the stuff I learned at Rotman on the open market, it would probably be 25 grand max. Throw in another 15-20 for the network. This is, at most, a $45k degree... and I think I'm being generous here.


I liked my classmates, though. They were nice, hard-working people, and it's not their fault that the school overpromised and underdelivered. The pink stairs are nice too. Good job on the stairs, Rotman.

Overall BSchool experience (1.0)
Schools contribution (1.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)

Strengths of the program:


Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Career opportunities provided by school
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)

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