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Your journey in Rotman depends on how you craft it. It depends on you whether you will make the most out of it. I joined various activities and extra-curricular activities that have exposed me to awesome opportunities. Other people might just choose to chill out of tiredness.
Pros: Leadership development lab was my favorite. Hands down. Allowed me to explore who I am and gave us techniques how we can improve ourselves and know what we really want. Maja Djikic is a goddess.
Cons: Career support is not that great. You are basically on your own.
Given a second chance, I would go to Rotman again.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Student body, diversity
Culture & Student Support
Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Hey guys, Im planning to pursue MBA in Supply Chain Management from Rotman. Any views whether the course and placement is good at Rotman?