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I'd suggest applicants take the time to visit the school. I strongly believe that this one one of the country's best MBA programs however, it is too often underestimated. The caliber of the student body, breadth of opportunities for career growth and professional development, and access to alumni and professors is key. Most schools merely give students a brand name whereas Ross gives them a sound foundation to be great leaders upon graduation.
I would recommend speaking to alums from the schools you are considering, put rankings aside, put names aside, and simply ask about experiences. I don't believe there is a comparison to the total MBA experience at Ross and after speaking with many of my peers feel this would be cooberated by them as well.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (3.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Student body, diversity
Alumni Network
Culture & Student Support
Career opportunities provided by school
Could you add some commentary as to why the pretty low "Schools contribution" rating or just expand upon it a bit? You rave about the experience but then there's a pretty clear downmark.