January 09, 2017

Joined: Jan 01, 2014

Posts: 14

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A good Test Prep Product


The Scholaranium is a very good product if compared to just Doing questions from Official Guide or any book.In addition to GMATprep software ,E-gmat scholaranium gives you the feel of actually working on actual GMAT .
The complete data analysis and recording of your mistakes provide a good feedback and with a large question bank its great tool.
It gave me a complete control over my test preparation as it told me about my weak spots and where to focus on improving.
One more important thing to consider when you are buying a test prep kit...question on scholaranium are well organized according to topics and difficulty level .If you compare them to any books which only offer you 500-600 level question E-gmat scholaranium is more diverse in difficulty level selection.This organized question bank is helpful when you are stuck on a difficult topic and want to fine tune your preparedness .

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